How do I place ads and logos on top of my webcam video player?

You can overlay images over the upper-right, upper-left, and over the top area (as a banner advertisement) of your webcam using our Dashboard Media Manager.  Additionally, you can set destination URLs for each, so when clicked, the user is sent to the web site of your choice.  

Here's how:

  1. Login to with any email address that is associated with a Brownrice billing account. 
  2. Click WEBCAMS -> Manage -> Player Banner & Logos button (white buton on right side of page)
  3. Click small pencil icon next to Banner Overlay, Upper-Right Logo Overlay, or Upper-Left Logo Overlay and then Upload Logo.
  4. Once you've uploaded your images and connected them to a Banner Ovelay or a Logo, you can then make them clickable on your webcam player, which will send users to the URL that you specify, but clicking entering the URL that you'd like clicks to go to in the Logo Link field.
  5. Done.  Have a look at your webcam to ensure that your ads and logos look and behave the way you want them to!

Note:  Any logos or banners that are uploaded will be available to be used on any of your webcams, so you only need to upload a logo or banner ad once.

If you need help with this just contact us and we'll be happy to give a hand.

Banner overlay