How to clean up a Wordpress hack
The only way to ensure that a hacked Wordpress site is fully rid of a hackers code is to follow these instructions:
- Using FTP or SSH download the wp-content/uploads directory to your computer, virus scan all files and ensure that its hack free.
- Using FTP or SSH download the wp-config.php file and write down the database name, username, and password.
- Login to Wordpress (if you are able) and write down the exact names of all of your active plugins.
- Using FTP or SSH delete all code from server (leave database in place).
- Re-install a fresh Wordpress install by FTP'ing NEW Wordpress install files back to server. (do not use *any* old Wordpress files and do not use our dashboard installer to reinstall Wordpress.)
- Configure new Wordpress wp-config.php file to connect to old database using the database info you collected in step 2.
- Reinstall all plugins that you noted in step 3 via the new Wordpress. (Do NOT re-upload existing plugins as they are a likely source of hack.)
- Change all Wordpress username and passwords and delete any Wordpress users that you are not familiar with. (may require reviewing Wordpress users database table directly.)
- Re-upload your *cleaned* wp-content/uploads directory to the server.