What is the embed code for my webcam?

Our web camera video player is a fully responsive HTML5 video player and is compatible with every modern browser and mobile device.  You can always find your full-list of embed options for both your live video as well as Timelapse videos in the Dashboard.

Embed your Webcam Stream on Your Website

  1. Log in to your Dashboard
  2. Navigate to WEBCAMS
  3. Select your WEBCAM STREAMNAME: yourwecamstreamname
    -> Click Manage (green button)
  4. Go to the Emed Code
  5. Copy and paste the provided embed code into your website, there are two options: 1.) You can use the javascript embed code or 2.) (Recommended for Wordpress sites) Use the iFrame embed code, as illustrated below.

JavaScript Player:

Replace [STREAMNAME] with the camera name that we provided you when you signed up for service.

<script id="bri_cam_1" class="bri_embed" src="https://player.brownrice.com?sn=STREAMNAME&em=1"></script>

iFrame Player (use for Wordpress and CMSs that don't allow JavaScript):

<iframe src="https://player.brownrice.com/embed/STREAMNAME height="100%" width="100%" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe>

Share your latest Time-Lapse video


List of Camera Options, all controlled by logging into https://dashboard.brownrice.com

  • Remove and/or replace video overlay logo with your own.
  • Hide the white box PTZ controller area below the web cam video player.
  • Set AutoStart/AutoPlay to on or off.
  • Set Video Timeout duration (default is 10 minutes)
  • Enable email alerts when our servers can't reach your camera.
  • Set custom player aspect ratios.  Default is 16:9.
  • Restrick playback URL's to only web sites that you approve.

Done! If you have any issues let us know.