How do I show hidden files?

Configuring your FTP client to show hidden files is a process that differs significantly for each FTP client. Instructions for doing so using many popular FTP clients can be found below:

In Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver won't display hidden files in Site View. You can either use another FTP program or you can use your filemanager.

In Filemanager

  1. Go to
  2.  Select the web folder
  3. Select Preferences from the Tools menu.
  4. Check the File Display - Do you want to show hidden files? checkbox (NB: The directory will refresh showing the hidden files.)
  5. You can then delete / copy / move the file using the Commands menu.

In CuteFTP

  1. Go to Sitemanager.
  2. Choose the connection and click edit.
  3. Make sure filters is checked.
  4. Press the filter button towards the bottom.
  5. Check [Enable remote filters (Server applied filter)]
  6.  In the box below, add -al
  7. Hit apply. Now log in with that connection.


  1. Right click on the connection before logging on.
  2. Select properties, then select the startup tab. On this screen you will see a box that says Remote file mask. In this box place "-al", then log in.

In Fetch

  1. Open Preferences.
  2. Click on the Misc tab.
  3. Click on the Obscure Options popup menu.
  4. Check the Send LIST -al to UNIX servers

In BBEdit

Click the checkbox that says Show Files Starting with ".

In Transmit

  1. Open Preferences.
  2. Click on Files in the Toolbar.
  3. Check the box that says Show all Hidden Files.

In FTP Voyager

  1. Select a profile in the FTP Site Profile Manager.
  2. Click on the Advanced button.
  3. Select the category Connection.
  4. Enter "-la" in the Extra LIST Parameter.

In SecureFX

  1. Right click on the connection before logging on.
  2. Select properties.
  3. Select Category > Options > FTP.
  4. On this screen you will see a box that says Directory Listing Options. Select the option All entries, then log in.

In LeechFTP

  1. Run Leech FTP
  2. Select File > Options.
  3. Select the Transfers tab.
  4.  In the List Command box enter "LIST-a" (no quotes).
  5. Click Accept.
  6. Log in and view directory; all is well.