What is IDX?

IDX stands for Internet Data eXchange, and is used specifically for real estate.

Brownrice Internet updates all MLS real estate listing data and photos each morning at 5:30am. Subscribers to IDX have this new listing data displayed on their websites every day. We take the work out of getting new real estate listings to your clients! IDX subscribers get new listing data delivered to their clients every day without having to contact a web developer or office manager to do it for them!

Active, confirmed members of your MLS who would like to display this data on thier websites have two IDX options:

IDX Link
$3.95 per month

We've built a generic IDX search for real estate sites to link to and/or "frame" into their web sites at this address: http://search.taosmls.net  

You can only view the link above by typing it into your browser. Linking to this site from an outside site is blocked, unless you are a paying IDX Link customer.

The advantages of the IDX Link is that it is inexpensive and very easy to get running on your site.

The disadvantages of the IDX Link, in contrast to the IDX Enchanced Connection (see below), is that it is not customizable (e.g. you can't tweak or make it look or work the way you'd like) and that the true listing agent's contact information is displayed prominently in the middle of each listing. These issues, combined with the fact that the customer will be leaving your site to view listings often results in lost customers.

Example IDX Link site: http://www.tsvproperties.com/explore-local-properties-for-sale/

IDX Enhanced Connection —
$9.95 per month for Brownrice Internet hosted sites. $19.95 per month for offsite hosted sites.

With an IDX Enhanced Connection we provide your site with direct access to the IDX MLS database. This allows you and your web programmer to fully customize the way your IDX search looks, acts, and performs.

Example scenarios:

* You can display your contact information into each MLS listing whether the listing is yours - or someone else's - while minimizing the true listing agent's data (e.g. In the middle of a listing you might display "Contact me at xxx to show you this wonderful property.")
* You can dictate how your MLS search works. (i.e. Maybe your listings should be displayed before anyone elses? Or in bold?)
* You can fully integrate your site's colors, logos, and contact information throughout each step of the MLS search.

Approximately 60% of the MLS sites using IDX use this IDX Enchanced Connection, while 40% use the IDX Link.

Keep in mind that the IDX Enhanced Connection will require a programmer to customize your site. This is generally a one-time cost but it can be significant depending on the level of customization that you require. If you'd like us to provide you with a list of programmers who can do this work for you, or provide you with a quote, please feel free to ask.

Example IDX Enhanced Connection site: http://search.taosnewmexico.com/

Contact support@brownrice.com, or 575-758-4175, for more information.