What is a GeoSync Cluster?
Our GeoSync Cluster is a fully automated, three-VPS cluster of servers spread across three data centers, in three different timezones. ...
How do I train DSPAM?
When a spam message arrives in your inbox drag it to your new isSpam folder!
When DSPAM determines that a message is ...
IDX for developers
For an overview of what IDX is, and what options are available to end-users, read this.
IDX Information For Developers
Our IDX ...
What is SmartVPS AutoTune?
Brownrice’s SmartVPS AutoTune service continually collects over 30 VPS performance metrics and automatically re-tunes your web and database server settings whenever anything gets ...
How do I create a cron job?
How to create a Cron Job
For Shared or Basic Hosting accounts:
Log in to your Dashboard
Select your VPS: yourvpsname.com -> ...
How do I record my webcam video?
To enabled 24x7 video recording and cloud video storage for your camera do this:
Login to https://dashboard.brownrice.com
Click WEBCAMS -> yourwebcam Manage -> Recordings
Click the ...
What is a mail robot?
Mail Robots: A Mail Robot allows you to create an account that sends an automated reply to the sender while ...
How do I password protect my webcam video?
If you'd like to password protect your webcam video, login https://dashboard.brownrice.com and go to WEBCAMS:
Click Manage next to the camera that ...
How do I create new email accounts?
Once you have set up an email server...
Log in to the Dashboard at dashboard.brownrice.com> click on EMAIL HOSTING.
Then click on Manage Email ...
How do I change my email password?
If you DO know your email password, go here to change it:https://admin.brownrice.com/cgi-bin/qmailadmin/passwd/
Enter your email address, existing password, and the new password ...
What is IDX?
IDX stands for Internet Data eXchange, and is used specifically for real estate.Brownrice Internet updates all MLS real estate listing ...
What is DSPAM?
For the majority of our email users, our free anti-spam software, Proxmox Mail Gateway, adequately protects their inboxes from receiving ...