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  • SmartVPSs: What are the proper DNS addresses, or name servers, for BrownRice?
    Answer: When hosting your web site, VPS, or email with Brownrice its best to use our Domain Name Servers (DNS.)   Listed in order they are: ...
  • SmartVPSs: How often is my site backed up? I accidentally deleted a file that I need
    Answer: We're backup fanatics and have saved many a web designer's *ahem* ass by retreiving files that they assumed were long gone.Your site's files and databases, ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I show hidden files?
    Answer: Configuring your FTP client to show hidden files is a process that differs significantly for each FTP client. Instructions for doing so using many popular ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I use an .htaccess file?
    Answer: Create a new text file on your computer and save it as ".htaccess" (with the leading dot and without the quotes) Whatever directives you are entering ...
  • SmartVPSs: Do your servers support secure FTP? Or FTPS?
    Answer: Our SmartVPSs support FTPS, SSH, and SFTP all on standard ports.  We do not support non-secure FTP. ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I administer my SmartVPS?
    Answer: Brownrice SmartVPSs are powerful machines that can be fully administered via the Brownrice Dashboard at How to add new web site or subdomain to be ...
  • SmartVPSs: Do the brownrice servers support mod_gzip?
    Answer: In Apache2 - which is the web server Brownrice uses - mod_deflate has replaced Apache 1.3's mod_gzip. mod_deflate is loaded and enabled on all of our ...
  • SmartVPSs: I'm getting a "permission denied" error when I try and edit a file. How can
    Answer: Occasionally web site software or a user on your server will change your file permissions which can prevent your other users from being able to ...
  • SmartVPSs: How does one properly migrate a web site to Brownrice?
    Answer: First, please know that Brownrice will migrate one customer site per service free of charge for new customers.  We're very good at this and happy ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I add a subdomain to my hosting account?
    Answer: Add a subdomain to your hosting account For SmartVPS accounts: Log in to your Dashboard Navigate to VPS HOSTING Select your VPS: -> Click Manage (green button) Go to Web Sites Click ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I change my FTP/SSH User password?
    Answer: How to change an FTP/SSH User password For SmartVPS accounts: Log in to your Dashboard Navigate to VPS HOSTING Select your VPS: -> Click Manage (green button) Go to FTP/SSH ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I modify DNS records?
    Answer: How to modify DNS records Log in to your Dashboard Navigate to DNS Select your VPS/Domain:> Click Manage DNS Click -> Edit DNS Records -> Add DNS Record Make your changes. Done! Notes:  Changes made here are ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I SSH into my VPS?
    Answer: Using SSH allows you to do some advanced (or simple) systems administration on your VPS.  You can SSH to your VPS using Windows, Macs, or ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I create a cron job?
    Answer: How to create a Cron Job For Shared or Basic Hosting accounts:  Log in to your Dashboard Navigate to EMAIL HOSTING Select your VPS: -> Click Manage Web Site (green ...
  • Email: Where is your control panel?
    Answer: Our mobile-friendly control panel is located here: You can login with any email address that is associated with a Brownrice billing account.  Click the Password Reset ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I install Wordpress
    Answer: How to install Wordpress Log in to your Dashboard Navigate to VPS HOSTING Select your VPS: -> Click Manage (green button) Go to Web Sites Click Add New Website or ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I set up a second site or domain name to point to my
    Answer: Set up second domain name as an alias for your primary domain: Let's call your primary site, and the alias site The site ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I change the document root of my website?
    Answer: What is the Document-Root? This is the directory where your site lives, and where you should put your index.php or index.html file, or install your software.  ...
  • SmartVPSs: How do I review my VPS's performance graphs/statistics?
    Answer: Brownrice VPS Performance Graphs/Statistics Brownrice continuously collects over 30 data points (CPU, Sendmail, Apache, MySQL, RAM, etc.) from your VPS and uses this data to keep ...
  • SmartVPSs: What is SmartVPS AutoTune?
    Answer: Brownrice’s SmartVPS AutoTune service continually collects over 30 VPS performance metrics and automatically re-tunes your web and database server settings whenever anything gets out of tune so that ...

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