How do I schedule offline time for my camera?

If you want to schedule days and times when public viewers can not view your webcam video you can do that with our Scheduler.  Here's how:

  • Login to the Dashboard.
  • Click -> WEBCAMS
  • Click -> cameraname Manage (green button)
  • Click -> Scheduler
  • Click hourly blocks that you don't want viewers to view your camera.  Doing so will change the color to red.
  • When you've selected all of the days and times that you do not want users to be able to view your camera click the Save button.

That's it!  During the red hourly blocks that you've selected your webcam player will no longer load and instead will be replaced with an image that says "This webcam is currently scheduled to be offline."

If you'd like to replace our default "This webcam is currently scheduled to be offline" image with your own custom image, you can do that too!   Here's how:

  1. Create your custom image and upload it to a website that you control.
  2. Copy the URL to the image on your web site.
    1. Note:  Make sure that this image URL is an SSL url.  i.e. https://mywebsite/myimage.png
  3. On the Scheduler dashboard page click the Change Offline Image button.
  4. Enter the URL of the image from your web site.