Our web camera hosting customers can view live and historical webcam viewer analytics by logging into our Dashboard with a billing email address at http://dashboard.brownrice.com
Once logged in click on the WEBCAMS Tab
Here you'll see live webcam viewer graphs for each of your cameras. These update every two seconds and show your viewers, the amount of bandwidth that your cameras are sending to our servers, plus the amount of bandwidth that all of your viewers are currently consuming.
- Viewers/Listeners is the number of people who have your webcam player open in their browser. These people may or may not be actively watching the video, which is why you may see Viewers with no or very little Viewer/Listener Bandwidth.
- Viewer/Listener Bandwidth is the amount of all of the active Viewers bandwidth that our servers are sending to those viewers. So if your camera is sending us 2Mb/s and 100 people are actively watching the stream, this number will be about 200Mb/s.
- Device Bandwidth is the amount of video bandwidth that your camera is sending to us via a single video stream. No matter how many viewers are watching the stream, we'll only pull one video stream out of your camera.
To view historical webcam viewer statistics click on the individual camera green Manage button. Then click the Statistics Button.
Here you'll be able to select any date range and view all of the Viewers, Unique Viewers, and Total Bandwidth for the period:
These statistics are updated each night at approximately midnight in the camera's specified timezone and itemize the number of viewers and the bandwidth they've used watching your webcam video during the date range that you select. Additionally, the heat map shows an approximation of where they are watching your webcam from based on their IP address. Your monthly webcam service levels are based on these statistics.