What are VPS Snapshots?

VPS Snapshots allow you to take a "snapshot" of your VPS at any moment in time, save it, and revert your live VPS back to that state whenever you like.  Additionally, we automatically save and store a snapshot for three nights for you so that you can revert back to a previous version of your VPS quickly and easily via one of these stored snapshots.

Note:  Snapshotting is only available to our Generation 7 VPSs which includes all VPSs (managed or non-managed) that were created from summer 2019 on.

How to use VPS Snapshots

Access Snapshots:

  1. Log in to your Dashboard
  2. Navigate to VPS HOSTING
  3. Select your Gen7 VPS: yourvpsname.com 
    -> Click Manage (green button)
  4. Go to the Snapshots
  5. From there you can view existing snapshots, create new snapshots, lock snapshots, delete snapshots, and restore snapshots.  

You can also change the number of days that we'll retain your snapshots from the default 2 days to any number of days that you like.  Keep in mind that snapshots your first three snapshots are free (last night, last friday, and last month), any above that are charged $1.00 US per month snapshot for all snapshots, calculated on the 1st day of each month.

Note: Locking snapshots will prevent our snapshot cleanup scripts from deleting your snapshots.