We have multiple easy and secure ways for you to pay your bill. Never put your credit card info in an email! If you email us a credit card number, we'll delete that email from our server, and ask that you not do that in the future. We will not enter it into our system, and your bill will not get paid. We know, it's frustrating. But it's for your protection.
The reason is simple: Email is insecure. Doesn't matter who your email provider is. Think you're ok because your email client uses a secure connection? Think again. Your computer's connection to the server that sends the email may be secure, but the email is likely transmitted across the world wide web in plain text unless you use 3rd party encryption software such as OpenPGP.
Digging your CC info out of an email is easy for a bad guy with a beginner to intermediate skill set.
To pay your bill securely:
Use the secure payment link in your Brownrice invoice. Data is encrypted from the moment it leaves your computer. All stored data is locked down with modern AES-256 encryption.
Click the seure payment link in your invoice, and use PayPal.
Log in to https://dashboard.brownrice.com, and go to the Billing section!
Call us on the phone. We'll enter it for you directly from within our own secure network.
Mail us a good old fashioned check, cashier's check, or money order, or stop by our office and drop off some cash.
Mailing / physical address is:
Brownrice Internet Inc.
201 Camino de la Merced
Taos, NM
It's the building covered in antennae, with a 20 kW solar array over the parking lot. You can't miss it!